PIER Problem-Based Integrated Education Resolutions
PIER Workshops
PIER workshops work independently from and in concert with academic curricula to provide an educational experience that is responsive to students' unique strengths. The workshops integrate the different and complementary approaches of each individual into complex webs of learning and interaction, through which students discover how they are relevant to their world and how their education is relevant to them.
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Curriculum Development
PIER consultants work with teachers, schools, tutors, parents and students to design curricula that integrate multiple subjects with each other through a process that also organically integrates individual learning styles and student interests—Therefore, we create holistic and active learning experiences in which the topics form an integrated whole and into which the students find themselves to be unique and dynamic pieces of the puzzle.
Educational Consultation
PIER consultants and coaches work with educators (individually and one-on-one). We support them in their efforts to enhance their students' educational experiences and to deepen their own experiences of teaching. We help teachers identify different kinds of learners and then, tailor their curricula and delivery methods to maximize strengths and strengthen weaknesses.
Individual Tutoring
PIER coaches work with students one-on-one to identify their learning profiles, teach them to become facile with their strengths, and empower them to use their curiosity, creativity and awareness to navigate both their education and their world most effectively.
"Maggie has an unusual mind, one that comes at familiar topics from a distinct and unexpected angle...this is matched by an intense commitment to her subject, a strong conviction in its importance, and a desire to engage others...In the class I watched, all [students] were engaged, not simply by Ms. Schein... but by the activity itself of thinking an issue through, of seeing where things would lead. Where categories and classifications were needed, the class, guided by Ms. Schein, would formulate them for themselves...it is hard to beat a cliche here: she is indeed a natural."
Dr. Jack Montgomery, St. Xavier University